by Drew Plummer | Jan 1, 2017
Liaison and coordinator for assistance with benefits, education and training, and nursing homes
by Drew Plummer | Jan 1, 2017
Goal Oriented Emergency Shelter (G.O.E.S.) allows enrolled persons can stay up to 90 nights. Case management service is provided, such as job training program and setting goals. Salvation Army of Georgia in overall provides homeless shelters and feeding...
by Drew Plummer | Jan 1, 2017
community foundation for people in a local area. grants are made from local funds to be distributed to nonprofit agencies in order to meet the charitable goals of the donor. Donors and families are invovled in selection of nonprofit agencies.
by Drew Plummer | Jan 1, 2017
provides housing assistance program, employment and job coaching, coordination with primary care providers, pharmacy assistance, individual, group, and family counseling, nursing assessment and care, in-patient crisis stabilization, intensive outpatient group...
by Drew Plummer | Jan 1, 2017
Two financial assistance programs are provided in this location, which is project share and project hope. Project Share (Financial Emergency Assistance to individuals and families facing a temporary crisis); Project Hope (financial relief in a catastrophic event...